joi, 2 septembrie 2004

BLOG respond to my needs

Always I feel the need to have a IMHO site. A page were to post my opinions, my ideas without pretention. A place where my cretivity to manifest in his stadium nascendi. Now my blog at bloger did that. And even I feel that I need a blog for my site at . A journal about my site, ideas about my site, vision of my site in the future. My site journal. I will do that also.
Also I understand that this will help me to "write down and let it happen".
My vision on write down is that we must create specification of definition for our plans and projects.
- we must specify our plans in terms of feelings, we must put our heart on paper
- we must work with bouth hemisferes and create rational specifications also, exact measurement, drafts, values, quantities, flowcharts
- we must see the collor of IT
- we must know the falvor
- we must define what pafume this have
- we must realize the touch of IT
- we must have and inner sense for IT
- we must create at least one aliance for IT
And we must write a letter to God for IT and create prayers for that.

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