duminică, 28 august 2005



Starting with the idea from What's the bleep do we know we can create and use emoticons to transmit strokes. This is what we called ELticons they are especialy for chat, messanger, mail si SMS.

We will post a selction of Elticons and elbreviations in order to be a tool for emotional warriors.

tThis signs will be transformed in live amotions, will activate limbic system and human need to give and receive afection.

Emoticon who transmit real emotions, strokes willl be named ELticoni, and abreviations ELbreviations. They are a kind of love vectors.

Pentru dialog ar putea fi folosit un dictionar de abrevieri

GMeSumLuvin - Give Me Some Lovin’ (ask 4 strokes)
GORJUS - Gorgeous
GTSY - Glad To See You
H&K - Hug(s) & Kiss(es)
HAND - Have A Nice Day
HTY - Hugs To You
I LUV U 2 - I Love You Too
IAY - I Adore You
IAYT - I Adore You Too
IC**WENUXME - I See Stars When You Kiss Me
ICL - In Christian Love
IHTFP - I Have Truly Found Paradise
IITYWIMWYKM - If I Tell You What It Means, Will You Kiss Me
IJC2SAILUVU I - Just Called To Say I Love You
ILUA I - Love You Alot
ILUVUMED - I Love You More Each Day
IWMU - I Will Miss You
KFY - Kiss For You

: * kisses
:-X a big wet kiss!
:-x kiss kiss
:-{} blowing a kiss
[] hugs
(( )):** hugs and kisses
((((name)))) hug
][ feeling separate
] [ separating
) ( really separating
{ } face-to-face
[ ] wanting to hug
}xx kisses
() feeling in harmony; connecting
] ? moving away and wondering about you?
[ ? moving toward you and wondering about you?

A study show that "IM promotes rather than hinders intimacy" "Through these emoticons, some limitations of CMC" (computer mediated comunications) may be overcome. arata studiul.

Example of abreviations to be created:
IHYH - I want to hold your hand
WWHIH - we'v walk hand in hand

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Cum se poate realiza efectiv acest joc ? Se va forma u8n dictionar de abrevieri, sau se va conveni asupra unuia comun, eventual publicat pe web sau pe un blog. Se vor selecta numai abrevieri care pot reprezenta stroke-uri. Magicul acestui joc consta in procesul invers care a dus la abreviere. Abrevierea este o automatizare, o etichetare, iar v-Stroke este despachetarea, transformarea in realitatea de dincolo de abreviere. Asa cum o ASAN are doi timpi, asumarea pozitiei asanei si constientizarea efectelor, stimul si raspunsul nostru la acel stimul, tot asa abrevierea, d ex

FGT Feeling Great Today

este faza de stimul si ea va fi urmata de deautomatizarea limbajului prin trairea ei. Jocul presupune sa te opresti 30 de secunde si sa simti in interior, sa experimentezi faptul ca celalalt se simte bine cu tot ce implica aceasta.

Cand spui
HYH hold your hand, presupune sa simti acest lucru, sa interiorizezi aceasta experineta si sa o faci cat mai reala si de asemeni cel care primeste acest stroke.